St Giles' Cathedral, the High Kirk of Edinburgh, is open to visitors throughout the year: Mon - Fri 9am - 7pm (May - Sept), 9am - 5pm (Oct - Apr), Sat 9am - 5pm, Sun 1pm - 5pm. Volunteer Guides are available to answer questions and give guided tours on request. Highlights include our stained glass windows, Rieger organ and the Thistle Chapel, home of the Knights of the Order of the Thistle. Cathedral Shop and Lower Aisle Restaurant.

Regular Activities and Events

Day Time Activity
Sunday 9:30 am Holy Communion
Sunday 11:30 am Morning Service
Sunday 6:00 pm St Giles at Six - Programme of music

Monthly Activities and Events

Day Time Activity  
Last Sunday 8:00 pm Holy Communion
  • Leaders:

    Rev Calum MacLeod (Pastor)

  • Congregation size:


Origin Scotland