We are a community-based 20-year-old Church of Scotland congregation without our own building whose simple aim is to help each other follow Jesus. We're not big and we're not clever and, while we do run a few ministries in our community such as kid's clubs and prayers for healing, our main missional focus is on helping each other love our neighbours. Over the years, Alpha has played a key role in growing our church.
Our main congregation meets in Cairncry Community Centre around breakfast tables for a fairly interactive service in which we seek to give God God�s proper place through worship and prayer and take our place before God through engaging with the Bible and by ministering to each other. We have planted two other congregations in our community specifically aimed at engaging older and more isolated people, and have a number of Community Groups in which small groups gather together for worship, prayer, bible study and support.
We're a real mixed group in all sorts of ways and, while we don�t have any specific student ministry, we welcome all who would come, no matter why they come, and hope that you would find a place amongst us.

  • Cell groups / Home Groups
  • Weekly Prayer Meeting
  • Youth Groups
  • Alpha Courses
  • Other Courses

Regular Activities and Events

Day Time Activity
Sunday 10:30 am Sunday Celebration

Monthly Activities and Events

Day Time Activity  
First Sunday 10:00 am meetings of our two fresh expressions of church aimed at including older people
Third Sunday 10:00 am meetings of our two fresh expressions of church aimed at including older people
Second Sunday 6:30 pm Praise and Prayer in the Community Centre
  • Leaders:

    Rev Ian Aitken (Minister)

  • Congregation size:


Origin Scotland